When I’m up on a mountain, I never cease to be amazed by what I see around me. Although the summits are usually the goal, they are rarely the end of the tour. And though they are well planned, they are often arduous and the path they follow is almost never straight. Surprises are the rule, not the exception. It’s impossible to convey the emotional impact through facts and figures, which is why I prefer to experience them with other people – offline and immediate.
At P1, I like to shake things up a bit...
The slate is clean – now what?
Wonderful! No well-trodden paths. No boundaries. No rules. Let’s go!
How does change succeed?
Start. Now.
Head or gut?
Not again...
“Solution-focused serenity, that’s what first comes to mind when I think about Stefan, and he always strikes me as suspiciously competent.” – Dirk Gouder
“What makes Stefan stand out? Courage, discipline, perseverance, a structured approach, a high level of autonomy and a ton of empathy.” – Peter Rathsmann
German, English
Work Focus
Team and 1-on-1 coaching in change processes, organizational development, mediation
Education & Career